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Our Blog

2024: Surrounded by great people


​I am in awe of the selfless love and energy that is shown, day in and day out, by the staff of our group homes, our senior adult facilities and here in the central office.  I recognize how indebted I am to these sacrificial servants. They are a large part of what makes my involvement in this ministry such a blessing. Their devotion and steadfast dedication are humbling and, indeed, "show what love is."


As we enter a year of anticipation and expectation, I look forward to the great things God will accomplish for His glory through Tennessee Baptist Adult Homes.  The men and women who provide the hands on care are the ones who will make things happen because I know how open and eager they are to do the things that will fill the lives of our residents with more happiness, more meaning, more joy.  Thank you to all our staff!!


If you've never made a visit to one of our facilities, I urge you to do so.  You will find yourself surrounded by great people.

by Mark Anderson, President/Treasurer
Father's Day Offering Video
Showing What Love Is
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