Tennessee Baptist Adult Homes
Christian homes and services for senior adults and adults with exceptional needs
Over 50 Years of Service
Rainbow Acres
Rainbow Acres Knoxville — Fred Lay Home (for men)
This group home is for eight men who have intellectual disabilities. The Fred Lay Home was built by an organization known as Rainbow Adult Homes. The home was given to TBAH in 1997 at the same time the Estine Bush Home for women was given. The residents attend Calvary Baptist Church in Knoxville.
Rainbow Acres Knoxville — Estine Bush Home (for women)
This group home is for eight women who have intellectual disabilities. The Estine Bush Home was built by an organization known as Rainbow Adult Homes. The home was given to TBAH in 1997 at the same time the Fred Lay Home for men was given. The residents attend Calvary Baptist Church in Knoxville.
Rainbow Acres Jacksboro (for men and women)
This group home is for 15 men and women who have intellectual disabilities. It is located less than 2 miles from the Cove Lake State Park in rural Campbell County. Situated on 5 acres of property, Rainbow Acres – Jacksboro was the first home in east Tennessee to become part of the Tennessee Baptist Adult Homes group home ministry. Originally founded and operated by an organization known as Rainbow Adult Homes (RAH), it was given to TBAH in 1991. The residents of Rainbow Acres – Jacksboro attend First Baptist Church in Jacksboro. Take a look at some of the things they are involved in.

Home in Jacksboro
To contact the Rainbow Acres Jacksboro House, click on the button to e-mail the houseparents.

Estine Bush Home which is similar and adjacent to the Fred Lay Home. Both are located in Knoxville.
To contact either of the Rainbow Acres Knoxville Houses, click on the button to e-mail the houseparents.